Japan World Stamp Exhibition 2001

List of Award
Exhibit No. Exhibitor Title of Exhibit Marks Medal SP-F
382 XHARO, Gjergji Air Exploration - Cosmos Missions 72 S
383 XHARO, Nikolla Costumes of the World - the World of Costumes 65 SB
122 GARCIA, Jose Amadeo España - Período 1850/65 80 V
131 FRAPOLI, Jorge Omar Clasicos de Argentina y Sus Estados 90 G
326 PAPAZIAN, Meguerdich El Teatro Lirico Europeo 73 S
456 DE MARCO, Leonardo Sellos Ordinarios de Alemania Federal 72 S
497 CAMPOY FERNANDEZ, Jose OCA Postal Issues / Emisiones Postales OCA. 1987-1999 72 S
558 C.E.F.I.N.I. Revista Cefini 68 SB
49 BLAKE, Michael South Australia from Settlement to Commonwealth 90 G
50 GRAY, Arthur William The Kangaroo and Related Issues of Australia 95 LG
170 CAMPBELL, Hugh Queensland Intercolonial and Overseas Postal Rates, 1850-1913 85 LV
171 YEN, Boon-Swee Australian Forces in Malaya - WWII 81 V
172 DOHERTY, Bernard More to Pay 78 LS
197 LEWIS, Geoffrey Philippines 1775-1878, Mail Routes and Other Postal History 92 G SP8
215 WITTENBERG, Edward G. Hungary - Postal History 1850-1871 96 LG SP4
263 McMAHON, Ian Postcards and Lettercards of New Zealand 75 LS
293 CABARRUS, Julian Pioneer Flights of the Philippines 1919 to 1932 81 V
294 FROMMER, Tom Famous Pilots and Famous Flights 81 V
295 YEN, Boon-Swee Malayan Airmails 1919-1942 87 LV
296 SADLER, John Australian Airmails 1914-1934 86 LV
328 MEGGYESY, Ernest The Conveyance of Messages in Europe 90 G
500 GEOFFREY, Lewis PETERSON, Don Postal History of the Spanish Philippines 1565-1898 91 G F
559 McMAHON, Ian Postal Stationery Collector 71 S
224 BALDER Norwegian Adhesive Covers to Foreign Destinations 1855-1877 97 LG SP32
323 LAUWERS, Georges M. From Astronomy to Space Station 90 G
329 BRACKE, Koenraad The Natural and Unnatural World of Owls 85 LV
132 PEREDO, Martha V.de Bolivia Siglo XIX 92 G
264 GOLDSCHMIDT, Curt & Ansa Maria Postal Stationery of Bolivia 86 LV
297 VON BOECK, Eugenio Correo Aéreo del Brasil 80 V
298 PEREDO, Martha V.de Correo Aereo de Bolivia 87 LV
133 OLIVEIRA, Guido Jose de Republican Dawn 92 G
245 LOPES, Klerman W. Evolution of the Maritime Postal Service between Brazil and Portugal before 1880 82 V
246 COMELLI, Paulo Rodolpho The Brazilian Mail to Foreign Destination: From Correio-Mor to U.P.U. 90 G
265 CHUSYD, Marcos Brazilian Postal Stationery of the XIX Century 88 LV
299 MENDES DE MORAES, Frederico The Condor Syndicate LTD. Collection 90 G
330 COITINHO, Arthur Feijo The Wine Åc A Story! 80 V
331 BRAGA DE MORAES, Ezyr Maria The Dog: Faithful and Dedicated Fellow 85 LV
332 KAHAN, Jaime A Brave People 87 LV
333 RODRIGUES CUNHA, Luiz Paulo Man Under Water 85 LV
334 LOBO, Mario de Castro The Flow of the Water, Towards the Future 85 LV
501 DE PAULA SOBRINHO, Jose Francisco História Postal de Minas Gerais 88 LV
502 TAVEIRA, Walter G. Brasil 1844-1846: Inclinados or "Brazil 1844-1846:Slanted Numerals Hand Book" 86 LV
105 MAGEE, Kenneth Ireland, 1840-1901 90 G
134 BRIGHAM COLLECTION (THE) The Dominion of Canada: The Small Queens, 1870-1897 93 G
135 FAWN, Fred Canada's Imperial Penny Postage 1898 88 LV
136 McNAUGHT, Herbert Canada - 1897 Jubilee Issue 76 LS
247 ROBINSON, William Prisoners of War and Internees 1914 to 1920 76 LS
300 MALOTT, Richard Canadian Interrupted (Crash) Covers To, From and Within Canada Flown by Canadian and Foreign Airlines, 1915-1984 86 LV
503 ROBINSON, William Post Offices of Alberta, Canada, 1998 (Expanded, Revised Edition) 76 LS
561 THE ROYAL PHILATELIC SOCIETY OF CANADA The Canadian Philatelist vol 51-2000 Le Phileteliste Canadien vol 51-2000 77 LS
562 HARGREAVES, Christopher The Canadian Aerophilatelist 66 SB
174 TENG, Xiaofan The Postage History of Chinese Registered Mail (1912-1949) 78 LS
335 LI, Boqin Eagle 90 G
336 LIU, Jiawei Fire 76 LS
337 YANG, Guisong Modern Summer Olympic Games 82 V
400 CHEN, Yu Lin Tennis 85 LV SP6
417 SUN, Zhixiang Computer 85 LV SP43
140 PEINADO, Augusto Colombia, Estado Soberano de Bolivar 91 G
141 URIBE, Rodrigo Antioquia - Colombia -1868-1886 86 LV
142 TORO, Felipe Colombia Studies of the 1859-1868 Issues 86 LV
248 GOEGGEL, Hugo Prephilately of Colombia 90 G
249 JOHNSON, James C. Colombia - 19th Century Postal Routes 85 LV
301 ORTIZ GOMEZ, Mario First Flights of the Colombian Airmail Service 85 LV
302 JOHNSON, James C. Colombia - First Commercial Airlines 1920-21 92 G SP11
Å€Costa Rica
143 GELBER, Abraham Costa Rica, La Emision de 1923 "Don Jesus Jimenez" 78 LS
144 DIAZ, Carlos- Fernando Costa Rica 1892 Arms Issue 83 V
266 REINOSO LEON, Juan Costa Rica, Postal Stationery of XIX Century 86 LV
604 AMRHEIN, Manfred Philatelic Literature. A History and a Select Bibliography from 1862-1991 vol 3 91 G
94 MILETIC, Jurica Croatian Stamps: Designs of Daniel Popovic 52 CP
338 ZARADIJA, Emil Man and Shell 52 CP
438 STEFANOVIC, Ines Secrets of the Sea 60 B
563 CROATIAN PHILATELIC FEDERATION Philatelic Magazine "Croatian Philately" 1999-2000. (complete) 68 SB
564 MILETIC, Jurica All Croatian Stamps - Column in "Vjesnik" Zagreb Daily Paper 1999-2000 62 B
605 PHILATELIC CLUB "SPLIT" Philatelic Exhibition's Catalogue "ALPE-ADRIAPHILA'98, SPLIT" 65 SB
606 PHILATELIC SOCIETY "POSTMAN", ZAGREB Catalogue of National and International Philatelic Exhibition "KRAPINAPHILA'99" 61 B
607 CROATIAN PHILATELIC FEDERATION Catalogue of National and International Philatelic Exhibition "CROPHILEX-2000" 64 B
386 PALENCIA, Leonardo Sellos Fiscales de Cuba Colonial 76 LS
401 CABRERA, Alfredo El Futbol te Entrevista 72 S
418 RODRIGUEZ, Rene Mamiferos Placentados 77 LS
439 DIAZ, Yaniel Veranos Olimpicos 66 SB
267 MENELAOU, Charalambos Cyprus Postal Stationery 1880-1960 88 LV
384 THEOCHARIDES, Leda Woman in the Arts 82 V
419 CHRISTOFI, George Cyprus My Country 69 SB
565 CYPRUS PHILATELIC SOCIETY Magazine - Cyprus Philately - 68 SB
Å€Czech Republic
129 VOMELA, Jindrich Montenegro 1874-1900 83 V
203 VANICEK, Vit The Postal History of Austrian and Austro - Hungarian Navy 85 LV
339 HORAK, Jiri The Motorcar 90 G
402 TRESTIK, Petr A History of the Svitavy Post Office 1918-1946 74 S
403 VANCL, Jan History of Aviation 68 SB
420 HRUSKOVA, Daniela The Horse and its Using by Man 66 SB
504 KARASEK, Jan Czechoslovak Postage Stamps and their Counterfeits 1919-1939 87 LV
505 KARASEK, Jan Rare and Remarkable Czechoslovak Postage Stamps 76 LS
506 HAUPTMAN, Milos Motýli Pl 1217-25 (Butterflies) 71 S
205 HANSEN, Kurt The Postlaw of March 11th, 1851 96 LG SP25
507 NIELSEN, Lasse Danmarks Provisorier 1904-1912-1915 82 V
508 REGELING, Henry Service Stamps of Denmark 1871-1923 82 V
566 LINTRUP, Morten Nordisk Filatelistisk Tidsskrift NFT 87 LV
567 WEBER, Lennart DFT 2000 73 S
180 MOSLY, Mamdouh The Delta Collection (The Postal History of Egypt in the Classical Period) 92 G SP2
268 ATTIA, Samir Nabih Egyptian Postal Stationery 1865-1922 88 LV
303 FARID, Mohamed Adel Egyptian Airmail 1919-1944 90 G
440 FARID, Hazem Postal Cancellations of Egyptian Stations 1877-1935 87 LV SP28
206 ABENSUR, Brigitte Le Tarif Local en France - De sa Création a sa Disparition 85 LV
207 MICHEL, Victor Bureau Central de Paris - Janvier 1849/Mars 1876 80 V
304 MARECHAL, Rene Courriers Étrangers Acheminés par Dirigeables Allemands 78 LS
340 RIBOULET, Jaques Tobacco Garland ou La Bal(l)ade de L'Herbe a Nicot 91 G
341 PALLEAU, Guy A Propos des Cors, des Trompettes et de Leurs Familles 85 LV
342 COMBES, Jacqueline Helios Soleil de Vie 75 LS
343 VIALA, Patrick L'Optique 82 V
387 BARBERO, Henri Timbres Fiscaux Mobiles du Second Empire -1860/1874 93 G
388 DANAN, Yves Les Repercussions de la Guerre D'Indochine sur L'Affranchissement Fiscal des Actes D'Etat-Civil, au Viet-Nam, au Cambodge et au Laos 84 V
404 MABILEAU, Romain Je Serai Cuisinier 77 LS
405 GRELLIER, Cedric Noél 85 LV SP30
421 ARNOUX, Elodie Bug's Bunny et Compagnie 75 LS
422 RICHET, Sebastien Passons à Table 81 V
423 SANTRAINE, Benjamin Le Mouton 80 V
441 JAULIN, Jeremie La Chasse 73 S
48 KIESEL, Max Britisch-Ostafrika 1890-1960 85 LV
95 WILHELMS, Georg Tschechoslowakei 'Die ersten Ausgaben 1918-1920' 90 G
100 GEYER, Heinz Königreich Bayern /1. bis 3. Ausgabe der Ziffernmarken mit Portomarken der Ausgabe bis 1870 96 LG SP24
112 VOGT, Wolfgang Königreich Portugal bis 1899 87 LV
208 LUEDDICKE, Horst Dezemberbriefe 87 LV
209 International 2745 Exhibitor's Card 500 Jahre Postgeschichte der Freien und Hansestadt DANZIG 85 LV
210 SANDNER, Herbert Deutsch-Südwestafrika auf Einschreibbriefen + Paketkarten 86 LV
269 DIMNIK, Karl-Heinz Die Ganzsachen der 4 Besatzungszonen Deutschlands 1945-1949 89 LV
270 GOLDSCHAGG, Rolf Grossherzogtum Baden Ganzsachen 88 LV
271 GRUENEBERG, Heinz Die Ganzsachen der Sowjetischen Besatzungszone Deutschlands 91 G
272 MENSENDIEK, Rudolf Heligoland - Postal Stationery 87 LV
273 SCHNEIDER, Goetz Postal Stationery of Liechtenstein 91 G
274 SUESS, Peter Die Ganzsachen der Mexikanischen Expressgesellschaften 88 LV
305 BARZ, Helga Schweizer Flugpost 86 LV
306 SCHNEIDER, Goetz Zensur-Luftpost aus der Schweiz von 1939 bis 1945 92 G
344 JOBSKY, H. Ulrich Die Reformation des Doktor Martin Luther - Das ist mehr als der Anschlag von 95 Thesen 85 LV
345 KARPINSKI, Fritz Das Internationale Olympische Komitee und die Olympische Bewegung 83 V
346 RADZUWEIT, Thomas Die Entwicklung der Vereinten Nationen - Vom Völkerbund zur UNO 92 G
406 DOERING, Verena Schmetterlinge meiner Heimat 63 B
407 MAIER, Kristina Widerrufen kann ich nicht - Leben und Wirken Martin Luthers 73 S
442 BERGER, Hannes Syndicato Condor 78 LS
443 FEIST, Markus Die Dauerserie "Sehenswürdigkeiten" der Deutschen Bundespost 72 S
444 Junge Briefmarkenfreunde Hamm Kolumbus oder die Entdeckung Amerikas 68 SB
445 WIEHLE, Max Millionen - Milliarden, die Zeit der Inflation 81 V
458 PROSS, Andrea Pferderassen 70 S
509 ECKLEBE, Dietrich Schätze der Menschheit unter dem Schutz der UNESCO 63 B
510 TRETNER, Hubert Die Ganzsachen der Zeitzer Privatpost Courier 1893-1900 (Beiträge zur Zeitzer Philatelie und Postgeschichte) 71 S
Å€Great Britain
51 STEVENSON, Richard C. Moreton Bay and Queensland 1850-1879 95 LG SP10
79 HUBBARD, David North Borneo 1939-45 85 LV
114 HIRSCH, Paul Romania (+Moldavia) 92 G
149 WOO, Arthur K.M Nicaragua - Prestamp and Classic Period 1766-1882 94 G
159 WOO, Arthur K.M The Early Bird 92 G
160 CLARK, Kenneth G. Japan at War During the 20th Century 83 V
184 BERKINSHAW-SMITH, Bernard The Development of Mail in Africa Asia and Oceania - The French Role - 85 LV
194 EASTGATE, Anthony Postal History of New Caledonia 87 LV
201 ALEXANDER, Zvi Overland Desert Mail 1634-1939 87 LV
204 SMITH, Hans The Austrian Lloyd - Agency Posts and Postal Agencies 86 LV
211 GRIMWOOD-TAYLOR, James The Postal History of Britain's Offshore Islands, 1660-1939 90 G
240 HORNUNG, Otto Branch Offices of Istanbul 90 G
275 HUGGINS, Alan K Great Britain - King Edward VII Postal Stationery 97 LG SP13
347 SOLE, Brian Go By Cycle ! 86 LV
389 SPRINGBETT, David Ceylon Revenues 94 G SP5
468 VANDERVELDE, V. Denis The Early Hotels of Jaffa and Jerusalem Very Good SP26
469 CLARK, Kenneth G. The Russo - Japanese War Good
511 PODGER, Christopher Cyprus Postal Stationery 1878-2000 by A C Ioannides & C J Podger 83 V
512 CAMPBELL, John The Place of Stones - Mafeking Siege Stamps & Banknotes 71 S
568 FAIRCLOUGH, Steve Stamp Magazine 72 S
569 VANDERVELDE, V. Denis 'Pratique', Journal of the Disinfected Mail Study Circle 77 LS
570 CLARK, Kenneth G. 'Kiku Shimbun' 70 S
571 STANLEY GIBBONS LTD Gibbons Stamp Monthly 73 S
608 STANLEY GIBBONS LTD Part 22 (USA) 5th Edition 80 V
609 STANLEY GIBBONS LTD Part 17 (China) 6th Edition 80 V
610 STANLEY GIBBONS LTD Collect Fish on Stamps 1st Edition 77 LS
611 STANLEY GIBBONS LTD GB Concise 2000 78 LS
612 STANLEY GIBBONS LTD GB Specialised Catalogue volume 4, 9th Edition 86 LV
103 TSIRONIS, Michalis E. The Lithographic Issues of Greece 1913-1925 80 V
213 ZAFIRAKOPOULOS, Neoklis The Serbes in Greece 85 LV
214 PASCHOS, Athanasios Military Post Offices in Thessaloniki 1895-1950 86 LV
446 ZAFIRAKOPOULOS, Zafirakis Social Providance Surcharges April-Sept 1917 77 LS
573 PHILOTELIKI LESVOS The Philoteliki Lesvos 76 LS
613 ORESTIS VLASTOS Ltd. Vlastos 2001 87 LV
614 PHILATELIC HERMES Ltd. Hermes 2000 87 LV
147 BORCSOK, Antal El Correo Oficial de Honduras 78 LS
148 DIAZ, María Beatriz Honduras: Siglo XIX 83 V
251 ALEGRIA, Edgardo Tres Siglos de Correo Privado en Honduras 77 LS
252 BENDECK, Nasry Historia Postal de la Prefilatelia de Honduras 92 G
Å€Hong Kong
175 CHEUNG Andrew M.T. British Treaty Port Post Offices in China 93 G SP31
276 HAMMERSLEY, Malcolm Hong Kong Postal Stationery 88 LV
307 HALEWOOD, Nicholas John Hong Kong Airmails - 1924-1952 88 LV
615 Philatelic Publications Limited Colour Illustrated Stamp Catalogue of China (1878-1949) 2000 Edition Edited by Shiu-Hon Chan 90 G F
513 HUNGARIAN STATE PRINTING HOUSE Bélyegkonyu / Stamps / Briefmarken 82 V
616 PHILATELIA HUNGARICA, BUDAPEST Catalogue of the Postage and Revenue Stamps of Hungary 71 S
66 MITTAL, Ajay Kumar Indore 85 LV
67 AGRAWAL, Pradeep Kumar Indian Feudatory State - Barwani 83 V
68 AGRAWAL, Nishi India After Independence 81 V
361 SHARMA, Dinesh Chandra Summer Olympic Games 80 V
390 SURI, Anil Fiscals of Cochin 92 G
391 MOLLAH, Abdul Matin Fiscal Stamps of Indore and Jaora Indian Princely States 88 LV
514 MALAVIYA, Ram A Sorath Stamps and Postal History 72 S
515 DEOGAWANKA, Madhukar Brahmini Dawk - History of Postal Communication in Mewar 76 LS
71 LALWANI, Arjan Netherlands Indies Classic Period 85 LV
188 DJARWADI, Didiek Japanese Occupation in Netherlands Indie(1942-1945) 87 LV
189 HARTAWAN, Harry Franco or Ongefrankeerd - Paid or Unpaid 92 G
308 KARNADI, Koes Netherlands Indies Airmails - Development and Operations from 1921 to 1941 82 V
348 KURNADI, Franciscus Xaverius Lepidoptera 77 LS
408 JAYAPUTERA, Eleazar Marvin A Creature with Wings and Feathers 70 S
409 SIMANJUNTAK, Renato The Ecology of Rain Forest 79 LS
424 PRABOWO, A. Guntur Japanese Occupation in Java 1942-1945 86 LV SP34
447 TRIKUSINDRIWATI, Harini Aves 63 B
448 RAMDHANI, Vicky Juli Postal Stationery of Indonesia 1949-1999 64 B
73 HACKMEY, Joseph Jordan 85 LV
116 SHTERN, Shlomo RSFSR Postal Stamps (1917-1923) 88 LV
229 KOSSOY, Meer Censorship of the Postal Correspondence of the St. Petersburg- Petrograd Millitary District (1876-1918) 82 V
349 FAIBEL, Hedy Red Cross Everywhere for Everybody 85 LV
350 MICHAELI, Moshe A Look into the Greatest Humanitary Volunteer Organization in the World 85 LV
351 LADOR, Menochem The Computer 80 V
106 IMPERATO, Saverio The Roman States 97 LG SP20
107 ROSSI IMPERATO, Luisa Naples - Varieties 91 G
183 SCIAKY, Roberto Ethiopia - Postal History 1867-1908 91 G
217 BARCELLA, Alberto Sicily Between the Two Kings 95 LG
218 FRANCAVIGLIA, Mauro Insured Mail in the Kingdom of Italy 1863-1946 90 G F
219 IMPERATO, Saverio Postal Relations of the Old Italian States and Italy with the Mediterranean Countries and Orient 95 LG
220 RIGO, Franco Venice and the Water. The Itinerary by Sea, by River and by Lagoons from the XIII to the XIX Century 88 LV
309 GIUDICI, Ferdinando Souvenir du siège de Paris 1870-71 Correspondence transported by Balloons-Montes" (selection) 92 G
473 MOSCATI, Gianfranco Shoah Documentation of the Holocaust Good
516 CARRA, Lorenzo 1866. La Liberazione del Veneto. 95 LG
517 RIGO, Franco Venise - Les Routes Postales (N.2 Books) 76 LS
518 RIGO, Silvia The Augusta WayÅc.. on the Bassano Way 80 V
519 VACCARI SRL Postal History of the Democratic in its Inland Use 78 LS
520 VACCARI SRL Italian Postal Rates 1862-2000 - vol.1 Air Mail 1926-2000 80 V
521 VACCARI SRL Ethiopia 1867-1936 History, Stamps and Postal History 87 LV
522 SASSONE s.r.l. Dagli Stati Preunitari al Regno D'Italia - Volume I Dagli Stati Preunitari al Regno D'Italia - Volume II 91 G
574 VACCARI SRL VACCARI MAGAZINE Specialized in Philately and Postal History N.23-24/2000 87 LV
617 VACCARI SRL VACCARI Catalogue 2000-2001 -Postage Stamps and Postal History - Italian States - Provisional Governments - Kingdom of Italy 1850-1900 84 V
618 VACCARI SRL Kingdom of Sardinia - Kingdom of Italy 1855-1863 - Colour Plates 81 V
619 VACCARI SRL Italian Revenue Stamps - Catalogue 1863-1957 Postal and Fiscal Use 82 V
620 SASSONE s.r.l. Catalogo SASSONE Antichi Stati Italiani 92 G
11 KANESAKA, Tadahiko Japan Hand Engraved Stamps 91 G
12 CHIBA, Shin-ichi Hand Engraved Stamps of Japan 85 LV
13 TEJIMA, Yasushi Dragon Stamps 1871-1872 95 LG SP39
14 OTA, Katsumi Hand Engraved Stamps of Japan (1871-1876) 91 G
15 TAKANO, Norio Japan 1871-76 (Development of Perforation Processes) 90 G
16 SUZUKI, Tetsukazu Japanese Hand Engraved Stamps 1871-1876 93 G
17 YOSHIMURA, Tomio History of Japan Hand Engraved Stamps 83 V
18 GOTO, Sukio Japan Hand Engraved Stamps 1871-1876 85 LV
19 SOBUE, Yoshinobu Japan 1871-1876, Hand-Engraved Stamps of Japan 92 G
20 SAKASHITA, Taiichi The Hand Engraved Stamps of Japan 88 LV
21 FUKUHARA, Kazunobu The Hand Engraved Stamps of Japan 97 LG SP33
23 KOUNO, Ryoichi The Koban Series 1876-1892 Japan 76 LS
24 NAGANO, Yukihiro Japan Koban Series 1876-1892 80 V
25 YAMADA, Ren-ichi Japan 1883-1892 UPU & New Koban 83 V
26 OSADA, Ikuo Japan Koban Issues (1876-79) 91 G
27 SHITARA, Mitsuhiro Japan "Old Koban" Series 1876-79 95 LG
28 INABA, Ryoichi Japan the Old Koban Issue 1876-1879 90 G
29 NISHIO, Akira Koban Series (1876- ) 85 LV
30 INOUE, Kazuyuki Japan Definitives: Koban 1883-1892 80 V
31 HATANAKA, Tamidou Chrysanthemum Issue of Japan 86 LV
32 NAKAGAWA, Yukihiro Japan Chrysanthemum Series 86 LV
33 NAGATAKE, Kazuhiko Chrysanthemum Series 80 V
34 MANTANI, Hisashi The Chrysanthemum Series 1899-1907 75 LS
35 NISHIMOTO, Masayoshi Taisho Series 1913-38, Japan 83 V
36 MIYAZAKI, Hiroshi Japan 1913-1938 Tazawa Series 87 LV
37 KATO, Hideo Tazawa Issue 85 LV
38 KUMAZAWA, Toshio Tazawa Series 1913-1937 78 LS
39 HAYASHI, Kunihiro Japan 1937-1946 (Showa Issues) 83 V
40 OMURA, Kousaku Japan 3rd Showa Issue 1945-1947 80 V
41 NARITA, Hiromu Japan, 1937-1946 80 V
42 SUDANI, Nobuhiro Japan Definitives: Vocational Series 1948-52 73 S
43 NONAKA, Isao Air Mail Stamps of Japan 1919-1962 80 V
44 UEDA, Katsuhisa Ryukyus 1945-58 80 V
45 ISHIZAWA, Tsukasa Ryukyus 1945-58 80 V
46 GOTO, Sukio The Private Control Stamped Markings of Japan 72 S
52 NAGASHIMA, Hironobu Australia - Kangaroo and Map Design Postage Stamps 80 V
53 NAGAI, Masayasu The Private Printing Period in Victoria 82 V
59 SHIGEYAMA, Masaru Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Issue 1931-1945 76 LS
60 KAWASAKI, Tetsuo China - C.N.C. Surcharges 76 LS
61 KOJIMA, Yoshimasa Japanese Occupation Stamps of China 85 LV
62 TSUCHIYA, Masayoshi Japanese Occupation Stamps in Southeast Asia 83 V
63 HOSONUMA, Shigeru China-Liberation Areas 87 LV
64 KUYAMA, Jun China - Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Issue, Central Trust Print 74 S
78 MAEDA, Taizo D.P.R.K. (North Korea) 1946-1952 85 LV
88 INOUE, Hiroaki New Zealand Full Face Queens 92 G
90 SHIMADA, Shigeo Ceylon 84 V
91 OCHIAI, Chuichi Taiwan 1945-1949 82 V
98 ENOMOTO, Kazuhiko Type Pasteur 1923-1932 80 V
99 BEKKU, Sadanori Cérès 1849-1850 80 V
101 NISHIO, Akira Preussen 1850-1867 85 LV
113 YAMAZAKI, Fumio Classic Portugal 88 LV
125 NISHIMURA, Juichiro Sweden 1855-1873 91 G
138 NAKAYAMA, Tatsuo Canada Booklet and Coil Stamps 85 LV
163 MURAYAMA, Hirosuke Postal Cancellations in Echigo Country 80 V
164 SASAKI, Yoshiro Japanese Postal Expansion Towards China 1876- 90 G
165 TACHIKAWA, Kenkichi Okinawa Postal History 1874-1945 71 S
166 ITO, Kinji Post Offices in Nagoya (Japan) 86 LV
167 KUNIEDA, Takeshi New Year's Greeting Mails 80 V
168 ITOU, Sumihide Japan 1875-1905 Foreign Mail in Nagasaki 82 V
169 KATOU, Akihiro Japan Post-Mark of Postage - Due and Unpaid 85 LV
177 NAKAJIMA, Yasoichi Sinkiang Postal History 1894-1950 87 LV
178 OHBA, Mitsuhiro The Opening of China 1802-97 83 V
179 IITSUKA, Hiromasa Postal History of Manchuria 84 V
187 KOIWA, Akihiko Indian Campaigns 87 LV
191 WAKAKUWA, Shoichi French Post Offices in Japan and Shang-Hai 81 V
198 ASAMURA, Yutaka Postal History of Singapore 75 LS
212 MURAOKA, Yasuhiro The Anglo-French Accountancy Markings 85 LV
236 SHIGAKI, Masafumi Ship Mail Around Sweden 88 LV
257 WADA, Fumiaki Official Mail of the U.S. Post Office 1778-1900 80 V
258 INOUE, Takeo Japanese Postal Stationery 1873-1876 78 LS
259 OSHIMA, Masaaki Postal Cards of Japan 1873-1874, Cherry Blossom Issue 95 LG SP15
260 ANDO, Gensei The Japanese Foreign Mail Postal Cards 88 LV SP9
261 NISHIMURA, Juichiro Regular Post Cards of Japan 1873-74 86 LV
277 IWASAKI, Zenta Chinese Postal Cards 1897-1931 89 LV SP42
278 FUKUI, Kazuo Post Card of China 1897-1911 87 LV
310 WAKAZONO, Taizo Trans-Pacific Air Mail 77 LS
311 TAKEGAMI, Yukihiro The Air Mail of Uruguay 81 V
312 NARITA, Hiromu Air Mails of Japan, 1919-1945 82 V
313 ABE, Tatsuya China First Flight 1920-1940 87 LV
352 MATSUMOTO, Kenkichiro Submarine 75 LS
353 AMURO, Yoshiki The Stagecoach Age 77 LS
354 NAITO, Yosuke Japan and the 15 Years' War 1931-45 90 G
355 KATSUI, Akinori Telephones 83 V
356 TAKII, Haruo Lighting and Lighting Devices 77 LS
357 TADAUCHI, Osamu Honeybee - Its History and Benefits 82 V
359 ICHIMURA, Masaoki Philatelic Documents of Olympic Games 80 V
360 WATANABE, Katsumasa The Ox and Human Society 88 LV
410 SHIRAISHI, Yusuke Deutsches Reich: Definitives 1941-1945 70 S
425 TOYOTA, Masayuki Japan Definitives: 1899-1937 76 LS
426 SHIODA, Kazuki US Airmail Stamps 72 S
427 FUJIYA, Yasuhiro Sweden Definitives: 1877-1919 72 S
449 YAMAGATA, Hiroyuki A Historical Sketch of Austria 66 SB
450 SHOJI, Shin'ichiro DPR of Korea 77 LS
475 TANI, Takashi Hired Foreigners Very Good SP36
481 INOUE, Kazuyuki Tin Can Mail History Good
523 TSUCHIYA, Masayoshi A Complete Oveview of Japanese Occupation Stamps in Southeast Asia 84 V
524 MATSUMOTO, Jun Ichi L'Histoire de la Poste Aérienne Franco-Japonaise 1870-1986 76 LS
525 MATSUMOTO, Jun Ichi The French Post Office in Yokohama 87 LV
526 MAEDA, Taizo D.P.R.K. (North Korea) 1946-1957 Plate Identifier: A Handbook 73 S
527 JAPAN PHILATELIC PUBLICATIONS Korean Postal History 1884-1905 by Mizuhara Meiso 85 LV
528 JAPAN PHILATELIC PUBLICATIONS Japanese Stamp Colour Guide, Japanese Definitive Stamps 1913-1965 (Provisional Title) 68 SB
529 JAPAN PHILATELIC PUBLICATIONS Philatelic Monograph Series No. 4: Mizuhara Meiso's Selected Philatelic Essays on China 71 S
530 JAPAN PHILATELIC PUBLICATIONS Philatelic Monograph Series No.10; Collection of the Third Showa Stamp Series 72 S
531 JAPAN PHILATELIC PUBLICATIONS Philatelic Monograph Series No.11: Airmail of Japan (Provisional Title) 81 V
576 NAKAJIMA, Yasoichi The Journal of Chinese Philately of Japan 73 S
577 JAPAN PHILATELIC PUBLICATIONS YUSHU KENKYU, The Quarterly of the Philatelic Museum, Bound Volume for 1999-2000 78 LS
579 JAPAN PHILATELIC PUBLICATIONS Philately in Japan, Bound Volume for 1998-2000 67 SB
621 JAPAN PHILATELIC PUBLICATIONS JSCA Japanese Stamp Specialized Catalog 2002 Edition 80 V
622 JAPAN PHILATELIC PUBLICATIONS SAKURA Catalog of Japanese Stamps 2002 Edition 72 S
108 ZARINS, Peteris Latvia (1918-1940) 78 LS
221 CIMERMANIS, Aivars Postal Service in the Years of Crucial Changes 1914-1920 81 V
222 KENINS, Arvis Travelling Post Offices: Rates, Routes and Cancellations in Latvian Territory 83 V
624 PLUME, Egils Specialized Catalogue of Postage Stamps and Postal Stationery of Latvia (7th Edit.) 81 V
279 SIALA, M.A. Postal History of Libya "Ottoman Period" 1860-1911 92 G
280 SIALA, Karim Turkish Period in Libya 82 V
281 KARAMANLY, Bahjiat Libyan Revenue Stamps: documents, license, and stamps"1951/1966" 66 SB
80 NAGARAJAH, C Kedah 1883-1941 83 V
81 LIM, Chon Yee Johor 1895-1948 Reign of Sultan Sir Ibrahim 84 V
192 SENTHINATHAN, V. Postal History of Perak, 1900-1941 79 LS
459 YEE, Kok Wei Automobiles 70 S
193 AVZAGA Postal History of Mongolia 82 V
411 KHAGAN Genghis Khan 63 B
451 BERYL Domesticated Animals 71 S
86 TULSYAN KUMAR, Rishi Nepal Collection (1779-1950) 83 V
412 NHUCHHE PRADHAN, Shristi Postal Stationery of Nepal 72 S
452 JHA, Bineet Chandra Lord Shiva in Nepalese Philately 75 LS
Å€New Zealand
195 FRANCIS, Greg Postal History Otago New Zealand 87 LV
256 RICHARDSON, Don U.S. Postal Rates 1851-1863 86 LV
314 KONINGHAM, Bernd Interrupted Airmail 1870-1964 88 LV
413 WALLER, Alastair NZ Bird Definitive Stamps 1985-1995 79 LS
428 INGRAM, Julie Useful Hands 77 LS
483 BANFIELD, Jenny Health - A Common Ground Between Nations Good
486 STILL, Ann Aspects of Camels Excellent SP7
109 FOSSUM, Bernt J. Norway - The First Two Issues 97 LG SP19
145 LUND, Eivind Ecuador 1770-1881 79 LS
532 GJELSVIK, Tore Jernbanen Throndhjem-Støren og Dens Pakkefrimerker 73 S
533 GJELSVIK, Tore Norway Number One - The New Handbook - Second Edition 88 LV
534 GJELSVIK, Tore Postal History of the Norwegian Hamburg Line 1853-1865. The New Handbook. 78 LS
102 MALIK, Khalid In theBeginning 85 LV
196 NANJEE, Iqbal Hussain History of Palestine Mail 75 LS
282 BALGAMWALA, Muhammad Arif Postal Stationery of British India OVPT Pakistan 1947-1949 88 LV
414 BALGAMWALA, Areej. Arif Postal Stationery of Pakistan 1947-1967 (First Twenty Yrs) 80 V
535 BALGAMWALA, Muhammad Arif Pakistan Overprints 1947-1949 76 LS
96 BARRAIL, Hugo A. Selected Pages of French Classics Varieties 90 G
150 KOCZIK, Wolfgang Felix Correo Paraguayo 78 LS
151 BENITEZ CIOTTI, Ramon Americo Precursores y Clasicos del Paraguay 88 LV
253 PORTALUPPI, Osvaldo Primeros 10 Años de Vuelos Regulares, Especiales y Zeppelin del Paraguay Ysustarifas 81 V
254 CHYTIL, Anthony Sobres de la Guerra del Chaco 1932-35 75 LS
255 EATON, Dila Correo Paraguayo 81 V
536 ASOCIACION FILATELICA PERUANA Filatelia Peruana (Quarterly Magazine) 68 SB
89 RODRIGUEZ, Pio S. Phil. Japanese Occupation - The Important Issues 78 LS
362 TUASON, Ignacio P. The World of Music 67 SB
415 GO, Mark Dexter Ong Endangered Species 65 SB
110 ADAM ROGALSKI On My HonourÅc The Scout and Home Army (A.K.) Field Post, Warsaw 1944 81 V
111 MAKA, Zdzislaw Printing of the Polish Stamps in 1944-1945 83 V
225 KURCZYNSKI, Antoni The History of the Posts in Warsaw From 16th C. to 1918 87 LV
226 BRONIEC, Marian Early Postmarks of the Polish Territories in the 18th and 19th Century 86 LV
315 KOSMALA, Jacek Airplane Services on the Polish Territories 1914-1939 90 G
453 Youth Philatelic Circle Miniatures of Czeslaw Slania 75 LS
537 CHROSTOWSKI, Waldemar John Paul II on the World's Stamps 1978-1996 70 S
538 GRUSZCZYNSKI, Jerzy Poles and Polish Army in North Russia and on the Siberia 1914-1920 72 S
580 POLISH PHILATELIC FEDERATION Filatelista (The Philatelist) 72 S
581 POLISH PHILATELIC FEDERATION Historical-Research Philatelic Bulletin 82 V
582 POLISH PHILATELIC FEDERATION, Regional Office in Warsaw Warsaw Philatelic Bulletin 67 SB
583 Polish Philatelists Union Regional Office in Poznan Wielkopolska Philatelic News 68 SB
97 JARDIM, Carlos France Premieres Annes (periode 1853/60) 86 LV
316 COSH, Graham Variations on German Aerophilately 85 LV
363 P. LOBAO TELLO, Jose Luis The African Wild Mammals 85 LV
364 OLIVEIRA E SOUSA, Eduardo Jose L'Automobile 95 LG SP17
385 CRUZ, David Rodrigues Les Chefs de Etat à Travers les Siecleas 85 LV
539 AFAL-Alentejo-Algarve Philatelic Association Os Correios do Algarve na Época Pré-Adesiva 68 SB
584 AFAL-Alentejo-Algarve Philatelic Association Mensageiro Filatélico 68 SB
585 Portugal Philatelic Club Boletim do Clube Filatélico de Portugal 73 S
Å€Rep. of Korea
74 LEE, Jong-Koo Korean Issues Under U.S. Military Government (1945-1948) 90 G
75 LEE, Bok-Kyu The First Regular Stamps of the Republic of Korea (1948-1949) 85 LV
76 KIM, Yo-Chi Kingdom and Imperial Korea 85 LV
77 JEONG, Jong-Hyun The Issues of Participation in Korean War 77 LS
317 YANG, Bong Suk Korean Airmail Stamps 70 S
365 CHANG, Se-Young Struggles Against Infection 91 G
366 HUR, Jin The Zoogeographical Modalities of Fauna Protection 86 LV
367 KIM, Chang Han Invaluable Petroleum Resource 85 LV
460 HAN, Hey-Kyoung Water is Life 81 V
489 LEE, Jong-Koo The 24th Seoul Olympic 1988 Good
490 CHANG, Se-Young Rice, White Source of Life Energy Very Good SP37
115 IORDACHE, Victor Romania 1872-1880 90 G
227 SCAICEANU, Cristian Romania 1914-1920 85 LV
228 MILU, Constantin Romania 1600-1872 90 G
368 POTCOAVA, Andrei Money Åc Money 68 SB
117 GORSKIJ, Igor The Stamps of Russia 1918-1923 90 G
119 MRAMORNOV, Alexander The Stamps of the USSR 1923-1938 88 LV
230 BOBRIKOV, Vitalij Postal History of Soviet Russia 1917-1923 88 LV
233 DRUZHININ, Igor Express Delivery 82 V
283 RYSS, Arnold Charirty Letters Sheets of Russian Empire(1898-1901) 92 G
324 POZNAKHIRKO, Sergey The Establishment of Space Mail in Russia 82 V
454 SHAPOVALOV, Konstantin K. From Life of Dogs 65 SB
461 SHAPOVALOVA, Polina Meetings with Cats 67 SB
540 Smolensk Philatelic Society of the Union Philatelists of Russia V. Gurov and A. Kotzin "Smolensk Region in Philately 1858-1996" 68 SB
541 BAKSHT, Feodor Ecology and Philatelija 76 LS
586 The Union of Philatelists of Russia Collectsioner (Collector) No 34-35 81 V
587 STRYGIN, Andrey The World of Stamps 63 SB
588 JAKOBS, Vadim Philatelic Journals "Vestnik Philateliji" 71 S
625 LYAPIN, Victor Catalogue of the Post Stamps of the USSR (1918-1940) 83 V
72 TAY, Kim Kee Netherlands Indies 1912-1931 Issues 83 V
82 TAN, Teck Seng Malaya British Military Administration 83 V
83 TAN, Patrick North Borneo 84 V
284 ONG, Henry Postal Stationery of Federated Malay States 81 V
369 TAN, Ngiap Chuan The Marvellous Waterfalls 90 G
121 ELSNER, Aleksander Slowenien von der Vorphilatelischenzeit bis 1921 73 S
285 PIRC, Igor Postal Stationery in Slovenia 1871-1954 76 LS
542 LAVRIC, Anton Pomozne Poste na Slovenskem 1918-1997 76 LS
93 MARTIN DE BUSTAMANTE, Enrique Bulgaria (1889-1910) - Small Lion Issues 87 LV
120 RUIZ VEGAS, Angela Russian Offices in Turkish Empire (Levant Russian) 86 LV
123 ALEMANY, Luis España. Los Sellos de 19 Cuartos "Convenio Postal con Bélgica". 1861/70 95 LG F
130 PLEAMAR España 1872- Amadeo 90 G
234 CORO ALBUERNE, Blanca Spanish Issues of Isabel II: Application to the Postal Rates on his Period 92 G
235 PEREZ ZARANDONA, Urbano España y Excolonias: Correo del Atlantico S. XIX.- 88 LV
237 RUIZ ANGUIANO, Daniel Marks and Postmarks on the Strubel Stamp (Switzerland 1854-1863) 85 LV
286 BASCHWITZ GOMEZ, German España: Enteros Postales Privados y Administrativos 95 LG SP16
370 FERRER ZAVALA, Arturo Una Vieja Amistad 86 LV
371 HEREDIA MACHADO, Segundo Vehiculos Automoviles 85 LV
372 IGLESIAS XIFRA, Jose Luis Las Abejas 90 G
392 MARTIN DE BUSTAMANTE, Enrique-Luis Fiscales de Filipinas (Período Español) 88 LV
416 RUIZ ENTRENA, Daniel Suiza: Pro Juventute, 1965-71 74 S
543 GRANDELA, Jose M. Los Cohetes Lanzamensajes en la Guerra Civil Espanola. 1936-1939" ("Message-Carrier Rockets in the Spanish Civil War 1936-1939") 81 V
590 PUBLIAFINSA Crónica Filatélica 76 LS
591 JAIA PUBLICACIONES, S.L. El Eco Filatélico y Numismático 72 S
592 GALARON CALVO, Andres Artículos semanales de Filatelia en "Diario de Burgos" 70 S
626 FILABO; S:A: Catálogo de sellos FILABO de España desde 1850 a 2000, Andorra, Guinea Ecuatorial, Hojas sin dentar y Gran Selección : Errores y Variedades. 73 S
124 HOEGLUND, Olof Gustaf V Medallion Mint and Used Without & With Surcharge 1910-1920 91 G
181 OTT, Anatole Egypt, Travelling Post Offices up to 1914 87 LV
190 SOHRNE, Bjoern Persia Postal History 92 G
216 NAGY, Dezsoe The "Envelope" Issues of Hungary 1874-1900 87 LV
287 DAUN, Lennart Swedish Postal Stationery 1872-1897 96 LG SP29
288 FRISTAD, Jan Postal Stationery of Argentina 93 G
289 BROCKENHUUS VON LOEWENHIELM, Hasse Jaipur Postal Stationery 85 LV
429 KARLSSON, Sofia Children's World - Toys and Games 73 S
544 GOLDBERG, Fred Roald Amundsen Expedition Mail, Letters, Postcards & Stamps 77 LS
545 FACIT FORLAGS AB FACIT SPECIAL - Nordic Countries 2001 86 LV
546 HEIJTZ, Stefan Specialised Stamp Catalogue of the Falkland Islands and Dependencies 1800-2000 77 LS
185 JAGTAP, Avinash Handstruck Stamps of India 86 LV
231 KARDOSCH, Velizar "Principality of Serbia, Postal History 1840-1866", The Early Posts in Serbia, the Prephilatelic Period and Domestic and Foreign Precursors and Contemporaries of Serbian Philately. 92 G
232 TALOVIC, Ranko Die Vorphilatelie im Fürstentum Serbien bis 1866. (Pre Adhesive Period of Serbia till 1866) 91 G
238 BAUMANN, Charles Les Marques Postales Préphilatéliques du Canton de Vaud (Suisse) 90 G
239 SCHAEFER, Richard Study of the Swiss Pen Cancellations during the Classic Period 1843-1862 92 G
290 HEINIGER, Ulrich Privat - Ganzsachen Schweiz 87 LV
318 MARTIN, Edmond La Poste Aerienne Suisse de 1900 à 1948 92 G
319 Graf Zeppelin Zeppelinpost Schweiz 85 LV
325 DIERAUER, Juerg Der Vorstoss in den Weltraum 91 G SP12
373 DAHINDEN, Teddy Der Hund als Freund und Helfer des Menschen - The Dog - Man's Friend and Helper 95 LG
374 WOLF, Ludwig Die Musik im Deutschsprachigen Raum 85 LV
375 HAENE, Koni Forest and Forestry (Wald und Forstwirtschaft) 88 LV
430 SPICHTIG, Fabian Schweizer Werbe - und Sondermarken ohne Zuschläge ab 1952 72 S
431 KELLER, Marianne Malta - From King Gerorge V (1932 Melita Issue) until Independence (1964) 83 V
547 KARDOSCH, Velizar "The Principality of Serbia, Postal History and Postage Stamps 1830-1882" 92 G
Å€Chinese Taipei
55 CHANG, Min-Sheng China Stamp Collection of Customs 1878-1896 92 G
56 CHANG, Min-Sheng China Surcharges of 1897 95 LG F
57 CHEN, Shih Jen China - Empress Dowager Jubilee and its Surcharges 94 G
58 CHEN, Tiung-Ching Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Issue, London Prints 85 LV
176 LIN, Chih-Ming Railway Postal Markings in China (1900-1937) 81 V
262 WU, Chen-Huei Postal Cards of Japan Nanko 3-Sen 77 LS
291 HUANG, Yuan-Min Postcards of Ching Dynasty (1897-1912) 92 G SP38
376 LIN, Chao-Ann Trains 71 S
377 LIU, Hai-Kuang The Horse and its Dedication to Mankind 88 LV SP3
378 SU, Fang-Shing Telecommunications Systems 85 LV
432 Angel Dragon 70 S
455 LU, Kao-Hung Machine Slogan Cancellations of Taiwan Posts 78 LS
548 WHANG'S PHILATELIC FOUNDATION Postal History of Large Dragons 77 LS
549 WHANG'S PHILATELIC FOUNDATION Postal History of Small Dragons, Red Revenue, Empress Dowager's Birthday 72 S
550 CHANG, Min-Sheng China Surcharges of 1897 80 V
551 LIN, Chang-Long Postcards issued by the Republic of China in Taiwan 72 S
552 LEE, Chih-Hsin Dogs and Stamps 56 CP
593 PHILATELIC WRITER'S CLUB Collectors' Philatelic Annual Report (2000) 76 LS
595 CHINA STAMP RESEARCH ASSOCIATION China Stamp Research Association Bulletin 66 SB
596 TAIPEI HWA-SHA PHILATELIC SOCIETY Taipei Hwa-sha Philatelic Society Bulletin 62 B
597 TAIPEI HSIEN PHILATELIC SOCIETY Taipei Hsien Philatelic Newsletters, vol. 16 (1999) 62 B
598 CSS ROC CHAPTER Collection of Monthly Reports 1999 (8) 66 SB
599 TRAIN STAMPS CLUB Railway Stamps Magazine 1998-2000 62 B
601 CHENG, Ting-Kuo Taiwan Stamp Collection (1999-2000) 61 B
54 NIRANDARA, Yaovanee Burma: Under Indian Postal Administration 1817-1870 98 LG SP23
200 KOSHPASHARIN, Choon The Money Remittance Mails from Siam to China 86 LV F
433 PHENJATI, Pavarisa New Zealand Stampduty - 1880 Queen Victoria Issue 84 V
462 BURANASOMBATI, Songpatara Great Britain: Bishop Mark 1661-1880 84 V SP35
69 SAYEED, Mohamad Aktar India - 1852-55, Scinde District Dawk and Lithograph Issues 94 G
70 FATIMA, Nasreen India: Queen Victoria, 1855-1900, The D'La Rue Issues and Usages 90 G
92 KHOORY, Abdulla Abu Dhabi From Trucial States to U.A.E. 79 LS
186 AKHTAR, Ferose India, Postal History - Inward & Outward Mail, Routes & Rates, and, Internal and External Campaigns, 1750-1900 84 V
47 FRASER, Colin & Pamela British Central Africa 1891-1907 89 LV SP14
84 WARREN, John North Borneo 1901-1941 78 LS
87 MARTYN, Leo The Development of Nepal's Postal System, 1775-1911 93 G SP40
104 ASIMAKOPULOS, Nicholas Greece: Large Hermes Heads 1861-1886 95 LG
126 STONE, Harlan F. Switzerland 1862-1883: The Perforated Sitting Helvetia 95 LG SP21
137 MAYER, Frederick Nova Scotia: The Pence and Cents Issues 88 LV
139 MAISEL, Richard Cayman Islands: The Early Years (1889-1910) 95 LG
146 WALKER, W. Danforth Grenada 1751-1911 95 LG
152 DUPUY, Peter The United States 30c and 90c 1861 Issue 95 LG
153 LANPHEAR III, Lester C. U.S. Departmentals, 1873 to 1884 92 G
154 MARKOVITS, Robert L. US Officials 1873-1884 95 LG
161 BOEHRET, Jesse D. German Prisoner of War Mail, Camps in Japan, 1914-1920 87 LV
162 KUGEL, Alfred F. The Rising Sun - Japanese Expansion from 1894 to 1925 81 V
182 WILSON, Richard S. Egyptian Postal History - Covers - 1866 to 1887 81 V
199 DILLAWAY, Guy Cape of Good Hope Postal History 1853-1866 91 G
202 SANTANGELO, Gennaro Aquatic Interrupted Mail 90 G
223 ADEMA, Kees Early Postal Markings of the Netherlands 95 LG F
244 DABOLS, Valentins Postal History of Livonia, 1600-1902 91 G
250 GRABOWSKI, Edward J.J. Guadeloupe: The Development and Use of Stamps for Regular Postage 95 LG
320 DiaMond Chinese Airmails and Their Forerunners 91 G SP41
394 GREEN, Donald E. 'Patent Medicine' Companies of the Civil War Era 93 G
395 HASEGAWA, Stephen J. The Documentary Revenue Stamps of Japan (1873-1883) 91 G
396 IBER, Peter Revenue Stamps of Thailand 91 G
397 TORRE, David U.S. Fish and Game Stamps 1960-1969 83 V
553 SWENSON, Charles A.L. 1999 Catalog of the Roman-Letter Swordguard Postmarks of Japan 72 S
554 SWENSON, Charles A.L. An Introduction to Japanese Philatelic Terms 70 S
555 SWENSON, Charles A.L. The Roman-Letter Swordguard Postmarks of Japan 78 LS
556 AMERICAN AIR MAIL SOCIETY Air Mail Operations During World War II 86 LV
602 AMERICAN AIR MAIL SOCIETY The Air Post Journal 77 LS
631 AMERICAN AIR MAIL SOCIETY American Air Mail Catalogue, 6th Edition 85 LV
632 AMERICAN AIR MAIL SOCIETY The Airmails of Canada and Newfoundland 87 LV
155 LUIS SAMPIETRO, Vicente Clasicos del Uruguay: Soles Cifras Finas y Gruesas 91 G
156 WOLMAN MACIEL, Sergio Clasicos del Uruguay. Sellos Cifras 1866 81 V
321 FONTAINA, Roberto Uruguay y Los Dirigibles 86 LV
381 GARCIA, Miguel Faros. Vigías de la Costa 80 V
557 WOLMAN MACIEL, Sergio "Las Tiradas de la Cifra 5 Centécimos, Emisión: 10/01/1866" 73 S
157 BIERN, Claudio Correo Local y Especiales de Venezuela 86 LV
158 BERMUDEZ, Humberto Los Dias de Cipriano Castro 78 LS
241 CUBRAKOVIC, Natasa Military Censorship in Yugoslavia 1944-1945 83 V
242 VISACKI, Vojin Serbian Prisoners of War Mail in World War II (1941-1945) 78 LS
243 DIMITRIJEVIC, Vukadin The Serbian Military Post on Corfu and the Sallonica Front (1915/1918) 78 LS
292 VELICKOVIC, Jovan The Postal Stationery of Yugoslavia (1918/45) 91 G