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Post Office To Debut Print Club Stamps In July
29/03/2002 (21:00)

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TOKYO (LoveIndonesiaPhilately) - The Postal Services Agency will from July sell stamps with a photo of the sender, agency sources said on Friday.

The agency will install 30 special photo machines in central post offices in major metropolitan areas.

This is a stamp version of the Print Club photo sticker service, in which a Print Club machine creates a sheet of photo stickers with a selection of preset backgrounds.

The agency aims to encourage people to use more mail, as they are increasingly relying on cellular phones for their communication needs.

It plans to sell the stamps in smaller post offices, after studying sales at the larger offices. The agency will also consider a mail-in photo service to allow people in remote areas to buy them.

A sheet of 10 stamps (five 80-yen stamps and five 50-yen ones) will cost 1,100 yen.

The stamps were unveiled at a Tokyo stamp exhibition in August 2001. They became very popular among visitors, and since then the agency has been trying to overcome various obstacles to sell them, the sources added.

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