- 3Pod Stamps
(Rod Popper - Australia)
- A and R Collectibles (A and R Collectibles - United States)
- A and R Worldwide Worldwide Topical Stamps and Souvenir Sheets (Leonard and Socorro Rosow - United
- A and V Collectibles Appraisals, Auctions, Direct Sales (United States)
- A and V Collectibles (United States)
- A Catalogue
of Telegraph and Revenue Stamps for Burma and Myanmar by Gerald
Davis and Alan Meech (Richard Warren - United Kingdom)
- A de Ternant Great Britain from 1837 to 1935 (Barry Thompson - United Kingdom)
- A to Z Stamp Shop Canada and Great Britain (Reg & Helen McGiffin - United States)
- A-One Stamps Worldwide mail order stamps (A-One Stamps - Australia)
- A. J. Pearson - Dealer in Fine Postage Stamps of Great Britian & the Commonwealth (Anthony
J. Pearson - United Kingdom)
- A.B. Kontinent Stamps for Sale (Ignacio Baixauli and Yolanda Sánchez)
- A.Karamitsos Stamps and Postal History of Greece and Greek Area, Cyprus, Levant, Olympics, Foreign
Countries (Greece)
- A.R. Bunk Topicals: Autos, Aviation, Chess and Chess Covers, Costumes, Military Uniforms, Fish,
Seashells, Trains, and Watercraft (United States)
- A.T. Philatelics British Commonwealth (United Kingdom)
- AAA Philatelic Service Stamp Approvals (United States)
- AB Philea
(Christer Svensson - Sweden)
- ABC (Absolutely Beautiful Canadiana) Philatelic Art, Booklets, Cachets, Covers & Postcards (Nina Thunderbird Cameron
- Canada)
- Abe Stamp Collection (Abe Gallery - United States)
- Academy Stamp Company (Marshall Goldberg - United States)
- Acadia Stamps (Reid Eisenhauer - Canada)
- AD Stamps (Andrew Dyer - England)
- Adminware Corporation Canadian Stamps (Robin Harris - Canada)
- Adolf Kosel KG Stamps, Letters, FDCs, Maximum Cards (Austria)
- Advertising Covers (Howard Rust - United States)
- Aero Collectables (Torsten Weller - Australia)
- Aerophilatelic
Literature and Crash Covers for Sale (Ken Sanford - Switzerland)
- AFINSA Portugal (Portugal)
Philatelic and Numismatic Collecting (Spain)
- Agape Stamp Ministry Church Charity Selling Quality Kiloware and Recent Off Paper Used Australian
and New Zealand (Australia)
- Agent Service, Stamps,
Philatelic Supplies and Literature (Sherry Straley and John Van
Alstyne - United States)
- Agreeable Stamp Store Singapore (Singapore)
- Agreeable Stamp
Store (SF Chow - Singapore)
- Air Mails Of The British Commonwealth
- Airmail Collector (Colin Roberts - United Kingdom)
- Aktiv Software Corporation (Don Cal - Canada)
- Alan's Stamp Store (Alan C. Anderson)
- Albany Stamp Company (Steve Radin - United States)
- Alfin's Philatelic Connection (Ron Alfin - United States)
- Algerian Stamps and Sets (Aouya Abdelmoumen - Algeria)
- All Nations Stamp and
Coin (Brian Grant Duff - Canada)
- Allabout Stamps (Australia)
- Allan Raw Philatics British Commonwealth (South Africa)
- AllStamps (Dick Brand - United Kingdom)
- Ally's Collectors
Corner (Australia)
- Aloha Stamp & Coin (United States)
- Amagerbro Frimaerker-Copenhagen
Stamp Shop (Harvey Rosenblum - Denmark)
- Amazing Rare Stamps (Josef Waigand - Germany)
- American - International Stamps, Coins, Currency, and Sport Cards (United States)
- American Coin and Stamp Exchange United States Stamps (John & Lotus DeFevers - United States)
- American Nostalgia
Stamps United States Stamps (United States)
- American Philatelic
Congress (Janet Klug - United States)
- American Stamp & Coin
Co. U.S. & Worldwide (Dale L. Williams and Peter N. Spooner
- United States)
- Americana Resources Antiques and Collectibles Including Stamps (United States)
- AmeriCom Philatelic Mint U.S. Stamps (Martin L. Barron, Jr.- United States)
- Amos Press Owners of Linn's and Scott (United States)
- An Easy Guide
to Regummed, Altered, and Faked Stamps (Michael Taylor - United
- Andrew Levitt Philatelic Consultant (Randy L. Neil - United States)
- Anhng Collectibles (Vietnam)
- Anthony's Coins, Stamps, Paper (United States)
- AnyStamps Country Packets & Topical Packets (AnyStamps - United States)
- Apan
Stamps and Collectibles Sports Plaques (United States)
- Apex Philatelics Ltd Approvals, Mixes, Auctions (United Kingdom)
- Approval and Exchange
Service for Worldwide Stamps (Steven Haddock - Canada)
- Arctic Stamps Iceland, Faroe Islands, Greenland (Lórens Rafn - Iceland)
- Armstrong Philatelics (Patricia Dollar - United States)
- Arnika Swiss Stamp (Switzerland)
- Aron R. Halberstam
Philatelists, Ltd. British Commonwealth (United States)
- Arpin Philately Inc. Stamps on Approval (Daniel Arpin - Canada)
- Artmaster Incorporated U.S. First Day Covers (United States)
- Artsakh - Arvest The Stamps of the Republic of Mountainous Karabakh (Serhey Kalantarian - Republic of Mountainous
- ASDA Stamp Bourse Online (United States)
- Ashok Mehta Philately, Handicrafts from India (India)
- ATM Wiedemann &
Maier GbR ATM Stamps (Belgium)
- ATM wiedemann and Maier GbR Franking Labels (Dominique Maier - Germany)
- Australasian Philatelic Traders' Association
Inc (APTA) (Australia)
- Australasian Stamp
Dealers' Association (Roger Martin - Australia)
- Australia On-Line Stamps Stamps from Australia and The South Pacific (John Macdonald - Australia)
- Australian Coins, Stamps,
Albums & Catalogues (Warren and Virginia Spence - Australia)
- Australian Philatelic Wholesalers
PTY LTD (Adam FoX - Australia)
- Australian Sports Stamps (Noel G. Almeida - Australia)
- Australian Stamps (Glen Stephens - Australia)
- AVB Stamps U.S. Varieties, Precancels, Untagged Errors (A.V. Bove - United States)
- Aztec Ranch (Paul Talbot - United States)
- B & B Stamps United States, Britain, and British Colonies (United States)
- B and P Ltd. Philately and Deliotology (Patty Holt and Bill Wade - United States)
- B. Trading Co. Stamps, Postal History, PostCards and Victorian Trade Cards (Alex Zdonick / Tracy
Barber - United States)
- B.A. Finkelstein Israel Year Sets (United States)
- B.A.D. Stamps (B. A. David - United States)
- Bailey Stamps Lots & Collections, Topicals, Foreign, United States and Souvenir Sheets
(United States)
- Bait Tov Topical & Countries Packets, Israel Stamps (Zvi Tov - Israel)
- Balloon
Mail (Rob Leigh - United States)
- Ballston Philatelics (William Sandrik - United States)
- The Media Stamps of Bangladesh (Bangladesh)
- Bangladesh Stamps for Sale (Mohammed A Hasnat - United States)
- Bardo Stamps For Collectors (Jim Bardo - United States)
- Barry and Gerry Covers First Day Covers (United States)
- Bartels Stamp Company (Andrew Bartels - United States)
- Battles Stamp
Trading and Auction Page (William Battles - United States)
- BC-InterStamps (Jorgen S Aabech - Norway)
- Beach Philatelics and Atlantic
Coast Exhibitions United States Stamps (Tim Odom - United States)