- Stamp Dealers International® (United States)
- Stamp Discount.com (Belgium)
- Stamp Hunter Search Engine (George Marek - United States)
- Stamp Insurance Services (United Kingdom)
- Stamp It Up Cancelled Stamps Professionally Framed (Jamie Brown and Valerie Swack - United States)
- The Stamp
of an Olympian (Stephen Tosti - United States)
- Stamp Professor (Frederick Bean - United States)
- Stamp Shop
in Taiwan in Chinese (Taiwan)
- The Stamp
Source: British Empire (Louis D. Loucks - United States)
- The Stamp
Store (Dieter Dant - United States)
- Stamp Store (Korea)
- Stamp Studio (Bill Kemp - United States)
- Stamp Swap Shop Worldwide Approvals (Chad Cutler - United States)
- Stamp-Street (Japan)
- The Stamp-Tique,
Inc. (Glenn Hanle - United States)
- Stamp2002 Baseball Stamps (Korea)
- StampandCoin (DeKalb Stamp and Coin Co. - United States)
- Stampazonia (Paul Marcano - Canada)
- Stampdile Ltd. (Stampdile Ltd. - United Kingdom)
- Stampede (Dareg Zabarah - Germany)
- StampFinder Global Electronic
Stamp Exchange (Richard Lehmann, President - United States)
- Stampfinder FDC, PSE, Souvenir (Eric and Judy Dixon - Australia)
- Stampman Sales and Auctions (Western Australia)
- Stamps and Covers for Sale (Larry Piekenbrock - United States)
- Stamps and Philatelic
Supplies for Sale (Michael Generali - United States)
- Stamps and Philately (SAMMLER.COM - Germany)
- Stamps and Philately (Stamps on the Net - Switzerland)
- Stamps and Supplies for Sale (Albert Bizzarro - Canada)
- Stamps Between Us (Michel Arvisais - Canada)
- Stamps By Dave
Park U.S. Off Paper Packets, Plate Blocks, plus Canada by Scott
Number (Dave Park - Canada)
- Stamps eStore (Indonesia)
- Stamps for Collectors General Foreign , Better Sets , Collections and Close Out Lots (Bruce A. Swensen
- United States)
- Stamps For Collectors Princess Diana, Winnie the Pooh, Elvis, Marilyn Monroe, Mulan, Spice Girls (South
- Stamps for Collectors (Jerry B Bourque - United States)
- Stamps for Collectors (Jim Juracek - United States)
- Stamps for Collectors (Bruce McLean - Scotland)
- Stamps for Collectors (Stuart Katz - United States)
- Stamps for Sale (Spain, France,
Japan and more) (Spanish Net Stamps - Spain)
- Stamps for Sale No Dealers (Robert Grant - Canada)
- Stamps for Sale (Jim McKellips - United States)
- Stamps for Sale (Premier Collectors Postal - United Kingdom)
- Stamps from the Netherlands (Arjen Dragt - Netherlands)
- Stamps Gallery (Russia)
- Stamps
Galore Stamps for sale (Martin Rautjarvi - Finland)
- Stamps
International (Stamps International - Australia)
- The Stamps Mall (Acacia Online)
- Stamps n' Stuff (B. Koepp - United States)
- Stamps of Bulgaria & Rest
of the World (Bulgaria)
- Stamps
of the World (George Pirotte - France)
- Stamps on the Web (Rob van de Weghe - Netherlands)
- Stamps Online (Germany)
- Stamps Oversea Topics Mint and Postcards (Claudia Greuel - Germany)
- Stamps Shop (Germany)
- Stamps Studio (Austria)
- Stamps World Center (Florent Plancot - France)
- Stamps World India Indian Stamps (India)
- Stamps:
Amazing and Rare Stamps Thailand and Worldwide Classics (Josef
Waigand - Germany)
- Stamps, Albums and Supplies Software for Sale (Russ Romei - United States)
- Stamps.com Mailing and Shipping Solutions (United States)
- Stamps2Buy Themed Stamps. Hollywood, Sports, Transportation, etc. (United Kingdom)
- Stampsite.com - Moo Stamp Company (Chuck Moo - United States)
- Stampstudios Homepage (Bill Kemp - United States)
- stampview.com (Alan Anderson - United States)
- Stanley Gibbons Latest Stamp News, Free E-mail Newsletters, Quality Great Britain, Commonwealth,
European and World Stamps and Online Auctions (Daniel Feane - United Kingdom)
- Stanley Gibbons (Stanley Gibbons - United Kingdom)
- Stanley Lisica (Peter Hagler - United States)
- Stateside Stamps (Stephen P. Reedy - United States)
- Stavanger Frimerke - Mynt - Telekort (Norway)
- The Stephen B Stamp Company British CommonWealth
(United States)
- Stephen, K.Y. Cheung Hong Kong, P.R.of China, Macau, Taiwan, Canada (Hong Kong)
- Steve Chandler Online
Sales (Steve Chandler - United States)
- Steve Malack Stamps Stamps and Coins for sale (Steve Malack - United States)
- Steve Malack Stamps U.S. Stamps and Coins (United States)
- Steveston Stamp Auctions Ltd. (John Maunsell - Canada)
- STS-51L Memorial
Home Page (Dr Ross J Smith - Australia)
- Subway Stamp Shop America's Largest Stamp Album and Supply Company (Hugh M Goldberg - United States)
- Supplies for Stamp and Coin Collectors (Lighthouse Publications - Germany)
- SW Graham Stamps of Nazi Germany, Postal history of 20th century Germany, circa 1918-1954 (Shawn
Graham - United States)
- Swedish Stamp
and Postcard Magazine (Bo Bergforsen)
- Swedish
Stampbooklets (Christoffer Trygg - Sweden)
- Swiss and Liechetenstein
Duplicates for Sale (Bruce Marsden - United States)
- Sydney Philatelics Pty Ltd Australasia, British Commonwealth, Booklets, Asia (Sydney Phil. Pty. Ltd. - Australia)
- Sylvester Stamps and Covers
of the World (Stacey Sylvester - Canada)
- T and T Philatelics (Gary Webb - United States)
- T/M Enterprises Western European and British Commonwealth (Tina McMillan - United States)
- T.M.A. Stamps (TMA Stamps - Indonesia)
- Targum
Stamps (Daniel Lewenstein - Israel)
- Tazi Tiger's Den: The Stamp Place Tasmania, Australia, Australian Antarctic Territory, New Zealand, Great Britain
and all Pacific countries (David Newell - Australia)
- TCStamp
Hong Kong, Macau and China Stamps (TC Net Company - Hong Kong)
- Tecol
International (Victor Slonim - United States)
- Tematic.com (Spain)
- Terraphila (Dr. Peter Steinkamp - Germany)
- Terry
A. Barnett First Day Covers of G.B. and Presentation Packs of
G.B (United Kingdom)
- Thailand Stamp Online (Thaveepol C. - Thailand)
- The International House of Stamps
(SIAM) (Thailand)
- The
Online Stamp Shop Greece, Malagasy Republic, South Africa, Uruguay
(Michael Generali - United States)
- The Stamp Store U.S. and Foreign Mint and Used (Dieter Dant - United States)
- The Stamp-Tique, Inc. United States and Canada (Glenn B. Hanle - United States)
- The Stamproom (United Kingdom)
- Thematic Stamp Catalogues (Domfil - Spain)